The community of Puerto Portobelo have been working for many years to protect the mangroves because these are a great source of biodiversity. In Isla Corazon you can find four types of mangroves as descrbed below:
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) also known as the"WalkingTree" because their roots give the appearance of a walking tree. It is the most dominant species, growing to 24 meters high. It is found at the edgeof the wetland forming a type of protector shiled. Its roots roots where used by ancient people to make bases for their houses above the mangrove. Their long and pointy seeds can floatup to a suitable environment to germinate.
Red Mangrove Roots above the water.

Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) usually follows the red mangrove and has a pleasant aroma, its cycle of life is between 40 and 50 years. Is not directly in contact with seawater, although it grows in areas that are inundated by tidal action. Its leaves are narrow and pointed and its surface is covered with salt crystals for this reason the taste of its leaves. This mangrove can tolerate higher levels of salt than the red mangrove. It does not have large stilt roots, but develops vertical roots that protrude from the substrate (pneumatophores) which will serve as breathing.
Black Mangrove Roots for breathing
White Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) is the species that follows in sequence to the black mangrove from the coast to the land. It is on higher ground or rarely flooded land reaching up to 20 meters high, is less tolerant of salt than red mangroves. Its leaves are ova land smooth and its stems can be pink.
White Mangrove

White Mangrove Leaves White Mangrove Seeds
Jeli Mangrove (Cornacarpus erectus) is a small tree 3-8 m tall. Also known as "button mangrove" for the shape of its round cone purple or brown fruits . It follows in sequence to the White Mangrove and it is found in dry areas away from water. It grows best where soils and salinity and stable.
Jelli Mangrove

Jeli Mangrove Leaves Jeli Mangrove Seeds